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March 28, 2024

When was the happiest year to be alive?

1957 - the happiest year to be alive, according to research. Any yet, why might such thinking be flawed? And, is there a better way to approach the subject of happiness?
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March 7, 2024
February 25, 2024

How to solve Solomon's Paradox

Solomon's Paradox refers to a psychological phenomenon where individuals demonstrate greater insight and reasoning in solving others' problems than their own. If we accept we're better at delivering advice to others than we are to ourselves - how can we improve our decision-making?
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February 25, 2024
November 30, 2023

Rekindling the Relationship: The Timeless Value of Bonds in Your Portfolio

In the ever-evolving landscape of world affairs, certain investment assets have stood the test of time, proving their worth in diverse portfolios. ‍Bonds, often overlooked, deserve a renewed appreciation, especially in the context of recent economic shifts. 
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February 25, 2024
February 22, 2024

What happens after a BIG stock market year?

Last year, 2023, was a big year for stock markets. But what comes next?
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December 14, 2023
November 29, 2023

The Evolutionary Gap: Why We're Not Wired to Plan Financially for the Long Term

In 1925, the UK government introduced the Contributory Pensions Act. ‍Back then, the state pension commenced at 65, and with a life expectancy of 56, the average male would not even reach pension age. ‍The concept of planning decades ahead was simply not part of our societal or evolutionary blueprint. ‍
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December 8, 2023
November 3, 2023

Building a Better Financial Future: It's More than Numbers on a Spreadsheet

When you think of a financial adviser, you may envision someone solely focused on investment strategies, retirement funds, and tax planning. ‍While these elements are crucial, a truly comprehensive approach to financial planning transcends just monetary metrics. ‍It often means going beyond the balance sheet to offer advice on various life choices. 
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December 8, 2023
November 3, 2023

The Moon Landing, Conspiracy Theories, and the Overview Effect: A Journey Through Human Perception

Conspiracy theories are like the dark corners of human psychology; they fascinate us with the belief that all is not what it might seem. They carry the promise of hidden truths. ‍It's not so much the conspiracy itself – but the psychological mechanisms that make people embrace such theories – that I find fascinating. 
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October 2, 2023
September 30, 2023

Dr. Peter Attia and the Centenarian Decathlon

American physician Dr. Peter Attia asked himself, “If I want to live to 100, what do I want to physically be able to do to be satisfied with my life?” Then he made a list and created the Centenarian Decathlon – a framework for him to follow so he'll be able to do everything he wants to be able to do physically at age 100.
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October 2, 2023
September 30, 2023

10 Things I Believe About Investing

The best thing a financial adviser can do is be really clear in their beliefs and the principles that inform their approach to wealth creation. This way, investors (new and old) everywhere can decide whether those philosophies sit right and resonate with them.
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