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Registered office

Barnaby Cecil Financial Planning Limited. Company number 11834861. Registered office address: 59-61 Charlotte Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom, B3 1PX

Please note this is not our postal address.

If you would like to write to us, please do so at: 

Barnaby Cecil Financial Planning Limited, Office 9, Church Lane Chambers, 11-12 Church Lane, Leytonstone, E11 1HG.

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Barnaby Cecil Financial Planning Limited is Directly Authorised by the FCA number 931464.

The link to Barnaby Cecil’s FCA page is here.

Regulated individual(s)

Thomas Stewart Skinner. Reference number TXS01297.

Emma Louise Walker. Reference number EXW00171.

Investment disclosure

The past performance of any investment is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The value of investments or income from them may go down as well as up. You may not necessarily get bac