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Many little steps take you a long way

Two days walking 100km on the South Coast Challenge

Sometimes, the most extraordinary experiences come from the challenges we choose to take on.

Last weekend I signed up for one of those challenges, and now I’ll share a story that I hope will inspire you to take on a challenge like this yourself.

To support my preparations for the "The Row" my brother surprised us both by signing up to walk the South Coast Ultra Challenge with me.

(*If this is the first of my newsletters you’re reading, I’m preparing to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 2025)

The South Coast Ultra Challenge offers options between 25km, 50km, 75km, or even a whopping 100km distance – either as a non-stop run or a walk spread across two days.

In my case, I didn’t do any specific training for the event, and the farthest I had ever walked in one day was 40km, six months prior.

I chose the 100km option.

To push myself further, I carried a backpack weighing 12kg, purposely packing additional weights.

It was daunting and I was worried I might have underestimated the event and overestimated my ability.

Here are three valuable lessons I learned during this challenge:

1. Set your own goals

One of the first things I discovered was the importance of setting my own goals and not letting others' performance affect my journey.

In any challenge, there will be people faster and more skilled than you, and others who may quit at each stage. I saw lots of both.

Comparing yourself to others can be discouraging and counterproductive. Instead, it's important to focus on your own journey.

I was there to complete the distance in my time and as part of my training for "The Row."

There will always be someone doing better and someone doing worse, but it's your path and your goals that matter on the day.

Nobody knew about the additional weights I carried, and I didn't care. I wasn't racing anyone else. I was there to train and become stronger.

2. Little steps compound into big distances

At times, especially during the hilly Day 1, I felt like I was barely moving.

But that couldn't be true because Day 1 was 57km (35 miles).

Slow as it might have felt, every step added up.

It was a profound lesson in the power of consistency.

Just like in life, where small, steady efforts can lead to immense accomplishments.

Whether it's saving money, building a career, or taking on a physical challenge, little steps compound into massive distances.

Keep moving forward, and you'll be amazed at how far you go.

3. Know thyself

One of the most significant concerns I have about "The Row" is the prospect of isolation during long days on the water.

How will I cope with being alone for extended periods? Can I handle the solitude?

During the South Coast Ultra Challenge, I got a taste of solitude.

When my brother decided he couldn't continue past the 57km mark, I faced Day 2 on my own.

It was a unique experience trudging along in the blazing sun, and surprisingly, I loved it.

However, I also discovered the satisfaction of providing support to others in need.

I met two remarkable women walking the full 100km distance in memory of a late father.

Despite their pain and exhaustion, they were determined to finish.

Spending those last few hours walking with them, offering moral support, was incredibly rewarding.

In the end, they weren't ultra-athletes, just two mums on a challenging journey, and they achieved their goal.

Their determination and resilience was inspiring.

The South Coast Ultra Challenge was not just a physical test – it was a profound lesson in embracing challenges, setting your own course, understanding the power of consistency, and discovering your capacity for both solitude and compassion.

So, if you're contemplating taking on a challenge – whether it's a physical feat, a career goal, or a personal ambition – remember to trust in yourself, set your own goals, take little steps consistently, and know that you have the strength to face solitude or extend a helping hand to others in need.

Embrace adversity, for it’s the stepping stone to your greatest achievements.

Now I’ll extend an invitation to you.

Take a look at the Action Challenge website.

​​If there’s an event, big or small, that you feel you need a little extra help on and someone to walk, jog, or run with – respond to this newsletter and let me know.

I’ll happily join you.  

Thanks for reading.



P.S. If you've got a big idea you want to finance – or, you're simply ready to take the next step on your personal wealth journey, here's how I can help.

The best way to learn how to get from where you are to where you want to be when it comes to your lifestyle and your finances is to request a 1-to-1 Wealth Strategy Session.

During this session, we'll look at things like lifestyle planning, pension savings, investment allocation, risk & insurance, when you can retire, and with how much, and anything else that may be on your mind.

To request your free session, click here and fill out the form.

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