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The limitless potential of a financial plan

“We want you to show us the art of the possible Tom.”

If there was one line that could help summarise WealthMap it’s that. This came from some clients who have recently gone through the WealthMap process, but the idea of ‘the art of the possible’ dates as far back as the 19th century.

The phrase has been used in politics to challenge outdated ideas and push existing boundaries to identify how far it’s possible to progress.

I see it as a very poetic way of symbolising the utility of WealthMap. By gathering information about your financial situation and merging it with complex software, we’re pushing the envelope to see where your finances can take you.

It’s the tool to measure your wealth’s potential

It can also be a wake-up call. You may have the ideal retirement envisaged but who’s to say you’re on track to bringing these desires to life?

WealthMap has ignited a whole host of ideas and inspired a variety of questions from the clients mentioned above. It’s provided them with x-ray vision of possibilities to explore. They can pursue the consequences of hypothetical scenarios A, B and C.

They also recognised that at the heart of the service is an opportunity for me to reveal the parameters he could operate within.

Up to this point, they were both living and planning their future without a full understanding of what could be possible. And because of that, they were reducing the potential of greater experiences, phenomenal memories and ultimately a better quality of life.

With WealthMap, the more questions they asked, the more they discovered about what they could and couldn’t do with their lives, pulling off the veil that had previously masked their future.

“We’ve decided we want to spend £1m on our forever home in five years’ time, but what if we bought it now?” “How much would it cost if we meet all objectives?” “How much can you tell us?” “Could we enter retirement with a bit of a mortgage?”

One question led to another, creating and exploring multiple scenarios. And why not? My clients were now able to replace the grey fog of uncertainty for clear horizons, enabling them to plan their future with precision.

It came to the point where they even apologised for continuously moving the goalposts after receiving new information about their circumstances, for which I only had one response…

No need to apologise. I love it when clients push the boundaries because this is what WealthMap is all about!

Providing you with a strategy that matches your level of risk

There’s a lot of experimenting involved with WealthMap. In fact, you need to experiment to maximise its value. The more questions you ask, the closer you’ll come to reaching the destination you want your wealth to take you to.

Because my clients provided me with a myriad of “what if” scenarios, each from a different perspective with varying levels of risk, they had a very clear idea of what they could achieve with their wealth in this life. They may not choose to adopt a strategy that reaches for the skies but at least they have the luxury of knowing what parameters they could operate within if they chose to do so.

And that’s perhaps the core benefit - revealing all of the opportunities available for you to pursue when the time suits you.

You lose nothing but gain everything when you ask questions with WealthMap. Doing so gives the information required to pivot in a direction that best suits your needs and interests at that time.

It’s all about maximising potential and discovering how far we can push the envelope if we choose to do so.

I look forward to facilitating that with more clients in the future.

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